Win a Cruise with Kenai Fjords Tours!

We would like to know more about your experience on this web site. We will be drawing from survey respondents once every month and giving away a 2004/2005 Kenai Fjords Tours cruise (any date, subject to space availability). Thank you for your participation!

1: What brought you to this web site?

  Search Engine
  Newspaper Ad
  Radio Ad
  Television Ad
  Visitor Guide Ad
  Internet Ad
  Friend's Referral
  Travel Agent

2: Please rate how easy it was to find this site (5 very easy, 1 very hard):


3: Do you have any suggestions on how we could make this site easier to find (search phrases, etc)?

4: What is your primary reason for visiting this site?

  Planning for Future Travel
  Looking for Travel to Book Now
  Other - Explain Below

5: If you answered "Other" above, please describe your reason for visiting:

6: What is your primary reason for not booking right now?

  Still Researching My Options
  Have Questions About Your Product
  Not Comfortable Booking Online
  Confused By Your System

7: Based on your visit, will you make a future reservation on this site?


8: Please rate this site's navigation (is it well organized?):

  Below Average

9: Please rate the site's content (did you like what you found?):

  Below Average

10: Please rate this site's comprehensiveness (did it answer your questions?):

  Below Average

11: Please rate the visual attractiveness of this site:

  Below Average

12: Please rate this site's overall ease of use:

  Below Average

13: What would you like to see more of on this web site?

  Links to Other Sites
  Video Clips
  Internet Specials

14: Do you have any other suggestions that would make this site better?

15: Alaska Heritage Tours is a family of Alaska's best travel companies. Does the site convey this?


16: If you would like to be included in the monthly cruise drawing, please provide:

  Your Name
  Email Address
  Zip Code

Click the button below to submit your survey response. Drawing winners will be notified by email each month!