Train to Whittier
Anchorage to Whittier on the Alaska Railroad
Enjoy travel along unforgettable Turnagain Arm before entering the Portage valley. Then enter one of the longest tunnels in the country to arrive in Whittier: gateway to Prince William Sound.
Daily Southbound Departure Times
- Depart Anchorage: 10:00 am
- Depart Girdwood (Alyeska): 11:15 am
- Arrive Whittier (Prince William Sound): 12:20 pm
Daily Northbound Departure Times
- Depart Whittier (Prince William Sound): 6:45 pm
- Depart Girdwood (Alyeska): 7:35 p
- Arrive Anchorage: 9:15 pm
Choose Round Trip Rail service for the Best Value
Anchorage to Whittier
Round Trip - $68 for adults, $34 for children (2-11)

Girdwood to Whittier
Round Trip - $68 for adults, $34 for children (2-11)

Alaska Railroad Rates for One Way Service
Anchorage to Whittier
One Way - $55 for adults, $28 for children (2-11)

Girdwood to Whittier
One Way - $55 for adults, $28 for children (2-11)

Whittier to Anchorage
One Way - $55 for adults, $28 for children (2-11)

Whittier to Girdwood
One Way - $55 for adults, $28 for children (2-11)

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