Seward Marine Science Explorer Program
The five-hour field trip is divided between cruising Resurrection Bay and participating in four different learning stations.
Information and Materials Presented
- Sea water composition
- Discussion of food chains and ecosystems using local examples
- Marine mammal and seabird adaptations
- Collection and examination of plankton
Students Will Experience
- Five-hour cruise from Seward aboard the m/v Fjordland
- Collect water samples
- Use thermometers and hydrometers to determine temperature, density and salinity of water samples
- Use Secchi disk to determine turbidity of water samples
- Use plankton nets to collect samples for examination under microscopes
- View mammals and sea birds in their natural habitat
- Observe local organisms in our on-board aquarium
Each 30-minute learning station is staffed by one instructor. We ask that each school group be accompanied by a teacher or chaperone.
To make reservations or obtain further information, call 1-800-270-1238 and ask for the Marine Science Explorer desk or email us.
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